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A first meeting in Otter Lake in front of a dozen people

A first meeting in Otter Lake in front of a dozen people

16 September 2020 à 12:00 am

Last Monday evening (September 14), the MRC Pontiac began its first meeting in Otter Lake to develop its strategic plan. About ten citizens went there to discuss the Pontiac’s priorities and challenges for the coming years.

Jacob Lavigne from CHIP 101.9 was there, he noted an interesting participation for a total population of just over 900 inhabitants and also noticed that the majority of the participants were over 60 years old.

Here is the draft Strategic Vision Statement for the Pontiac that was given to citizens.

” In 2040, the Pontiac will be welcoming to new people settling in the area, local services will be maintained for the most part and new businesses will emerge, more opportunities will be available for young people, village centers will be dynamic and promote socialization, and individuals will have better overall health. A public transit system will be put in place, people will have more transportation options available, and active mobility infrastructure will be further developed. Cultural heritage will be further protected and enhanced.

By 2040, the Pontiac will have contributed to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and will have protected biodiversity and species at risk, wildlife and plant habitats, as well as wetlands and natural environments. Measures will be taken to reduce the vulnerability of communities to natural and anthropocentric constraints.

In 2040, agriculture, tourism, entrepreneurship and forestry will continue to be important areas of activity for the Pontiac. Alternative agriculture, agrifood processing, agro-tourism, food tourism, local purchasing and short food chains will be further developed. The tourist offer, the tourist accommodation offer and new trails will be developed. Businesses and organizations will be creative in meeting the major challenges of recruiting and retaining the workforce. Innovation and diversification will be promoted within businesses and organizations. The reliability, coverage and performance of Internet, landline, cellular telephone and hydroelectric connections will be significantly improved. The uses of the forest will be more varied, forestry equipment will be state-of-the-art and renewed, and new wood processing projects will go ahead. “

The next meeting in view of the MRC Pontiac’s strategic plan will take place in L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet this Thursday, September 17. Here are the details of the next meetings.

The full report with Jacob Lavigne is available here.