A balanced budget of over $ 9,630,000 for the Municipality of Pontiac

A balanced budget of over $ 9,630,000 for the Municipality of Pontiac

9 December 2020 à 12:00 am

The Municipality of Pontiac has published its budget for the next year. In this balanced budget of $ 9,631,820, it should be noted that even if there is a growth of over $ 400,000 compared to last year’s budget, certain budget items have seen their expenses decrease. For example, the municipality plans to spend nearly $ 20,000 less on leisure and culture, or from $ 498,870 to $ 476,213 for 2021. Some budget items have seen an increase in their budgets, such as development-urban planning which goes from $ 364,488 to $ 402,069 as well as transportation expenses which should increase by more than $ 150,000 for the next year, or from $ 2,232,494 to $ 2,384,592.

The full budget of the Municipality of Pontiac is available here.