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A 61 year-old man arrested for impaired driving in Mansfield

A 61 year-old man arrested for impaired driving in Mansfield

9 July 2020 à 12:00 am

On Tuesday, the Sûreté du Québec arrested a 61-year-old man from Fort-Coulonge for impaired driving following a regular roadside check in Mansfield.

According to information released by the Sûreté at approximately 9:00 a.m., the man, who had been driving an off-road vehicle on Poirier Street, was arrested after the Sûreté du Québec discovered that the man’s blood-alcohol level exceeded more than twice the legal limit.

The man was taken in to custody where he was later released on a promise to appear in court. He is scheduled to return to the Campbell’s Bay Courthouse at a later date where he could face charges of impaired driving.

In addition to having his vehicle seized for 30 days and his driver’s license suspended for 90 days, he also received a statement of offense totaling $ 3,003 for driving under the influence, driving an ATV on a public road and for driving an unregistered vehicle.

It was later revealed that the man was also a repeat offender when it comes to impaired driving.