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Local help available for victims, witnesses of crime and their families

Local help available for victims, witnesses of crime and their families

20 September 2022 à 12:00 am

Though it might not be well known to those with no experience in the criminal justice system, the victims and witnesses of crimes, as well as their family members, have access to a multitude of services through the Crime Victim Assistance Centre (CAVAC), which has an office in Campbell’s Bay.

Janie Landry, the local representative of the CAVAC explained that their services range from things like short-term counselling to advice on how the courts operate. She said that help is free and available regardless of whether a charge is filed, or the perpetrator is even identified.

The CAVAC works in collaboration with a wide variety of other professionals, from the legal sector to health care staff and community organizations. Landry said that they can also offer referrals for long-term counselling and stressed that their services are entirely confidential.

Though she is based at the courthouse in Campbell’s Bay, Landry said that she has no issue meeting people closer to home, such as at their local CLSC for example. She said that in some instances they are proactive in reaching out to victims, but anyone can call her directly at 1-877-648-2764 or through the CAVAC’s general line at 1-866-LECAVAC (532-2822).

More information on services is available on the CAVAC’s website.

The full interview with Landry (13m35) is available here.