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COVID-19: Message from Warden Jane Toller

COVID-19: Message from Warden Jane Toller

13 March 2020 à 12:00 am

Message from the Warden of the MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, to residents :

Dear residents of the Pontiac, as Warden I feel it is very important to communicate with all residents of the Pontiac and to assure them that the MRC has a plan for COVID-19. We’re working closely with the CISSSO and have regular conference calls with them. The next two weeks are very important, we need to be alert and vigilant because it’s all about prevention. In some ways we are very fortunate to live in an isolated place with a smaller population, but we cannot take that for granted. It comes down to each and every person to do their best.

If you are experiencing a fever or dry cough please call 1-877-644-4545 rather than going to the hospital and/or CLSCs, unless completely necessary. The very first thing you should do is self-quarantine and stay home.

This is not a time to panic, it is a time to have the correct information so we can control this through prevention by following a protocol. If and when the Pontiac is affected, even stronger measures will be put in place to the population. This will also become a time where neighbour can help neighbour. If you have a neighbour who lives alone and may be in need of supplies or assistance try to help them if you can and if you are unable then you can call my cellphone number 819-647-8198.

Recommended hygiene measures for everyone:
• Wash your hands frequently with warm running water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
• Use an alcohol-based disinfectant if you do not have access to soap and water.
• Observe the hygiene rules if you cough or sneeze, and cover your mouth and nose with your arm to reduce the spreading of germs.
• If you use a paper tissue, dispose of it as soon as possible, and then wash your hands.

Many employers, including the MRC, are implementing measures to encourage work from home where possible. Any employees who have been out of the country are to be self-quarantined for at least 14 days. However, the Warden and the Director General will be present at the MRC office every day.

Last spring, the Pontiac was faced with a flood emergency and by working hard together we overcame it. We also will cope with the challenge of this virus if necessary and hope it will be short lived.

Key points to remember:
• All schools, universities, daycares and CEGEPs in Quebec will be closed for two weeks starting Monday
• The government is asking people not to call 811 if they suspect they have COVID-19. Instead, they should call 1-877-644-4545.
• Updates on the current situation in the Pontiac will be made on the MRC website and Facebook page every day