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$ 8 million for the fight against invasive plants

$ 8 million for the fight against invasive plants

19 July 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:45 am

An amount of $ 8 million has been set aside by the Government of Quebec’s Economic Plan for 2018, for the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity and to help fight against invasive plant species.

A total grant of $ 6.25 million over five years is allocated to the Quebec Wildlife Foundation to organize the Program for the Control of Invasive Plants Species.

The Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change (MDDELCC) will also invest approximately $ 1.75 million for researching these plants while developing support tools for stakeholders who fight against them.

The program plans to provide financial support to organizations that are promoting to stop invasive plant initiatives that threaten the integrity of our natural environments ecological interest. It will also fund awareness projects to prevent or limit the introduction and spread of such plants and to promote their management through sustainable interventions. Initiatives that are supported may be local, regional or national in scope.

In Quebec, 887 plant species have been introduced and are now naturalized, accounting for 30% of the flora. Of these species, 87 are considered to be harmful to the environment, the economy or society. Examples of invasive plants that affect natural environments and biodiversity the most include Japanese Knotweed, Common Reed, Eurasian Watermilfoil and Water Chestnut.

You can find more information via the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change website at
