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74% of CSSHBO teachers surveyed say they have suffered violence

74% of CSSHBO teachers surveyed say they have suffered violence

6 October 2020 à 12:00 am

The president of the Hautes-Rivières Teaching Staff Union (SPEHR) Daniel Boisjoli, said he was disturbed by the results of a survey completed by more than 300 teachers, including the Centre de services scolaires Haut-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO), showing that 74% of respondents say they have suffered violence. At the CSSHBO, 49% of respondents mentioned having suffered physical violence and 88% registered having been exposed to verbal/physical violence.

Also disturbing, only 36 to 42% of CSSHBO teachers who faced this type of aggression said they were satisfied with the support provided by management. This satisfaction rate is well below the result of the Centre de service scolaire Pierre-Neveu (CSSPN), which is 56%.

According to data collected by this survey of teachers, 98% of cases of physical violence experienced by teachers come from students. The source of the psychological violence was not specified.


According to the SPEHR, there are solutions to put in place, among others to respond to certain problems. Among the problems, the SPEHR underlines the trivialization of acts of violence, too many administrative documents to fill in, too long intervention sequences to solve the problems and insignificant consequences for the aggressors.

“We ask the CSSHBO and the CSSPN to put in place concrete actions. We are already in communication with the management and we hope to see results soon, “says Daniel Boisjoli.

The full interview with Daniel Boisjoli is available here.