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28-day Sober challenge: Broken records in Quebec and Outaouais for 2020

28-day Sober challenge: Broken records in Quebec and Outaouais for 2020

4 March 2020 à 12:00 am

The 28 Days Sober Challenge broke records this year in Quebec and the Outaouais.

In the region, $12,997 was raised, which compares to slightly more than in 2019 where just less than $ 10,000 was raised. However, though the challenge raised more than in 2019, the goal set by the foundation at the beginning of February was $15,000. In all, 387 people in the Outaouais participated in the challenge in 2020.

For Québec, $550,470 was raised by the more than 12,500. The organization exceeded its goal of $ 550,000, the largest amount raised since the challenge was created 7 years ago.
With this sum, the Foundation plans to continue its prevention efforts in high schools across Québec, reaching more than 85,000 youth over the next year.

“The participation of Quebecers touches us each year,” said Sylvie Rouillier, Executive Director of the Jean Lapointe Foundation. ”We count on this fundraising to continue to offer quality workshops to Québec youth. It goes without saying that the dedication of each person who participated in the Challenge or made a donation represents a great victory for the prevention of addictions.”

In the Pontiac, the Sieur-de-Coulonge and the Poupore (Fort-Coulonge), Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Cœur (Isle-aux-Allumettes) and l’Envolée (Campbell’s Bay) are establishments visited by the Jean Lapointe Foundation. The Foundation has been meeting with youth since 2008 to prevent the consumption of alcohol and drugs, and the associated risks and issues.