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2019 Post-flood clean-up

2019 Post-flood clean-up

7 May 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:54 am

Pontiac municipalities will begin, on May 11th, the large clean-up and recovery of their households following the 2019 floods.

Residents of the municipalities of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, and Chichester, who have been affected by the floods of 2019, may bring their flood waste to the transfer site at 625 Ch. du Rang 5, L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, between May 11th and October 30th, during business hours (Monday 9 am-5pm, Wednesday 9am-7pm, Saturday 8am-4pm). On site, employees will need your name, address, and contact information.

Note that no household waste will be accepted. In order to be eligible for free disposal, the flood waste must be separated: wood, steel, paint, drywall, shingles, mattresses, etc. If flood waste is not separated, you will be asked to go over the scales and pay full price for disposal ($200.00 per metric ton).


Campbell’s Bay :
On May 11th from 8 am to 4 pm, residents of Campbell’s Bay can drop off their bulky items at the transfer site at no extra cost. Accepted items: furniture, mattresses, appliances, televisions, computer equipment, water heaters, tires, paint and used oils. Building materials are not accepted.

Note: Service is only available to Campbell’s Bay residences.
