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2018 Forum for Social and Community Development in the Pontiac

2018 Forum for Social and Community Development in the Pontiac

19 June 2018 à 12:00 am

Yesterday, the Pontiac Community Development Corporation (CDC) announced in a press release that on November 16, 2018, the 2018 Forum for Social and Community Development in the Pontiac will be held with the aim to improve the living conditions for those in the Pontiac. The event is the result of efforts started in autumn 2017 to bring together local actors to tackle issues of importance to our communities and identify actions that will have positive impacts on the quality of life of citizens. According to Michel Vallières, General Manager of the Pontiac Community Development Corporation (CDC) “The Social Development Forum that we are proposing is based on observations and priorities that have been a consensus for several years within the social and community movements of the Pontiac”.

The 2018 Forum is jointly sponsored by the CDC Pontiac and the Pontiac Social Development Table (TDSP). “The implementation of the steps we will propose following the Forum will require the involvement of the entire community, and the commitment of our elected officials,” added Janie Landry, president of the TDSP.

This is a first event of this type in the least 20 years. Participants will be able to benefit from a simultaneous translation service made possible thanks to the financial support of the Government of Canada.