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$ 15,000 to be divided among MNA André Fortin office employees during floods

$ 15,000 to be divided among MNA André Fortin office employees during floods

4 July 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 11 July 2023 à 11:40 am

An article in the Le Devoir Newspaper published on July 2, reviled that employees of MNA’s will receive bonus compensation for responding to and assisting residence during the spring floods.

This is a decision of the Bureau of the National Assembly for 19 constituencies where the staff of the offices of deputies received additional remuneration for their additional hours of work. The National Assembly will provided $ 85,000 overtime pay for constituency office staff.

One of the biggest amount was the office of the Liberal member for Pontiac, André Fortin, in the amount of $ 14,800.

The office of Liberal MNA Marc Carrière of Chapleau, still in the Outaouais, got the second highest amount with 10,900.


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