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Director of Economic Development leaves office

Director of Economic Development leaves office

30 May 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:43 am

The MRC Pontiac announced in a press release yesterday (Tuesday), that the person who held the position of Director of Economic Development at the MRC Émilie Chazelas resigned after 10 years of service with the organizations in the MRC.

In this release, the director general of the Pontiac MRC, Bernard Roy, said that Émilie’s impact will remain engraved in the Regional Art Collection permanently exhibited at the MRC’s headquarters, a project she oversaw during the last 10 years, regardless of the position she held. He added that this departure represents a great loss for the MRC, but that the Pontiac will continue to benefit from her talents and efforts.

The release also stated that after a short well deserved break in Eastern Canada, Émilie will return home to undertake the next stage of her life. In a quote, Émilie Chazelas said that she leaves people and a job that she likes very much, but that she will not leave her county. She adds that she is simply trying to become involved in the development of the Pontiac in another way.

Émilie Chazelas began her professional career with the Pontiac CLD in January 2008, where she stood out as Cultural Development Commissioner to become Economic Development Commissioner a few years later at the MRC and finally moving up towards the direction of the department of economic development.
