A draw to support Xavier Lusignan

A draw to support Xavier Lusignan

27 May 2021 à 12:00 am

Mansfield weightlifter Xavier Lusignan is preparing to compete in the Junior Pan American Games, June 20-26 in Colombia. Knowing the expenses surrounding such participation, businesses and organizations here have mobilized to help him reach his goal.

The Municipality of Mansfield, the Caisse Desjardins des Rivières de Pontiac, the Metro located in Mansfield and CHIP 101.9 have decided to provide financial assistance to the athlete in the region.

With the purchase of a $ 5 ticket, the Mansfield Metro is holding a draw for a chance to win a mega basket of food. “Our employees have been very involved. Xavier is also one of our employees, we are very proud of him ”, mentioned Sylvie Béland of the Metro.

During his visit to Colombia, he will also conduct live interviews with local radios.

It’s amazing how much support I have received so far, it touches me so much
– Xavier Lusignan.

This is the first international experience for Xavier, who won the title of Canadian junior champion last spring. Pontiackers will be able to follow the performances of Xavier Lusignan thanks to a broadcast which will be available via youtube.