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Prevention of collisions on the roads

Prevention of collisions on the roads

18 August 2020 à 12:00 am

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) wishes to educate drivers in order to prevent the risk of collisions on the roads.

Over the past four days, nine people, including four motorcyclists, have lost their lives in the area served by the Sûreté du Québec. The SQ therefore wishes to reiterate the importance of adopting responsible and safe behavior in order to reduce the risks of being involved in a collision.

Since the start of 2020, 123 fatal collisions have occurred in the territory compared to 115 at the same time last year. Among these collisions, 31 involve motorcyclists, while in 2019 the number was 19. According to the Sûreté du Québec, reduced ridership of the road network during the months of March to May, due to the pandemic, would rather have must have resulted in a decrease in the number of fatal collisions so far.

“In the majority of collisions, human behavior is involved,” explains a press release issued on Monday by the SQ. Speed ​​or reckless driving remains the leading cause of death on our roads. Inexperience is also a factor in many collisions or swerves involving motorcyclists. Distraction, the ability to drive impaired by alcohol, drugs, or a combination of the two, and not wearing a seat belt remain among the leading causes of crashes. ”

On motorcycles and cars alike, everyone must take into account other road users and be vigilant in their presence, in order to share the road in a safe and harmonious manner.

The SQ urges motorists to exercise extra caution around motorcyclists, in particular by paying more attention to them to see them better, and motorcyclists are encouraged to make themselves visible and adopt a behavior that promotes their safety.