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The FADOQ calls for caution

The FADOQ calls for caution

6 May 2020 à 12:00 am

Aware that confinement can have a negative impact on the health of seniors, the FADOQ Network believes that the easing of the rules will generate positive effects, provided that those with a medical condition who feel reassured by containment measures.

The FADOQ Network recalls the importance of acting with caution when reducing constraints because the risk of contamination remains significant.

“We have received a lot of testimonies from our members in recent weeks who felt that the containment measures were excessive, but we have also received many calls from seniors who still feel very vulnerable to COVID-19, said the president of the FADOQ Network, Gisèle Tassé-Goodman. Their voices are there and their concerns must also be addressed. We must keep a close watch on the situation. Seniors who are free to make their choices based on their health should not be infantilized. And seniors must not be cursed or refused access to shops outside the time slots that will be reserved for them,” she added.

With this call on the need to act with caution in the implementation of this reduced confinement plan, the FADOQ Network indicates that it has noted, as many do, that there is sometimes a discrepancy between the daily press point of Mr. Legault and reality on the ground.

“Since April 16th, caregivers are supposed to have access to the people they support. The reality is that this accessibility is still very difficult. Families and friends still have difficulty making contact with their confined relatives. Clear, applicable and humane guidelines are needed to make it happen on the ground. The government must clarify what it means by significant caregiver. Will the Department of Health and Social Services have the resources to ensure that the rights of family caregivers will be respected if school administrators are overzealous?”, Asked Mrs. Tassé-Goodman.

The necessary resumption of home care and services
The FADOQ Network recommends that the Legault government restart the full delivery of home care and services in order to reconnect with seniors and meet their basic needs.