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Drive Through Confessions

Drive Through Confessions

1 April 2020 à 12:00 am

The St-Pierre parish in Fort-Coulonge will allow its parishioners to confession directly behind the wheel of their car. Father Justin Bertrand set up this alternative to allow those in need to use this service within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to hear the full interview with Father Justin Bertrand

People wishing to chat with Father Justin can enter the presbytery near the church, in the rear parking lot of the church. Instructions will be posted on an orange chair near the garage.

Elderly people or those at risk of contracting the virus are being ask to stay at home and not to come to confession. Pope Francis instructed to do it personally, without having to travel.

The next confessional period will be this Friday, April 3, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. More instructions on the schedule will be made available on Father Justin’s Facebook page, who hopes to give the confession service at least once a week.

Remember that churches are no longer accessible to personal visits and small gatherings, due to the new measures introduced by the different levels of government.

Masses are still suspended
As an alternative to the cancellations of masses, Father Justin, from the parish of St-Pierre in Fort-Coulonge, is currently broadcasting Sunday Mass on Facebook for its parishioners. It is also possible to listen to mass via CHIP 101.9 (10.30am).

Father Justin has noticed an increase in popularity in Church activities since he started his facebook lives.