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Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi’s role in the 2020 Pontiac Youth Council

Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi’s role in the 2020 Pontiac Youth Council

19 February 2020 à 12:00 am

The Pontiac MRC has partnered with Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi du Pontiac for the 2020 Pontiac MRC Youth Council. The coordinator for the youths projects at the CJE, Karim El Kerch, explained what the organization’s hopes in getting involved with the council.

Along with Warden Jane Toller, El Kerch will sit among the Youth Council as a guide for the students and the projects they put forward.

The MRC has currently been able to fill 12 out of 18 positions and are looking for additional members.

The return of the Pontiac MRC Youth Council was announced by Warden Jane toller in December. The original return was scheduled for the Fall of 2019, which saw delays due to former the Youth Council members graduating, the locations of the meeting and language of use during the meetings.

In January 2019, the Warden of the MRC Pontiac Jane Toller suggested the creation of a Youth Council as a way to present the priorities and issues of the Pontiac youth, to the mayors of the MRC. The Council was originally made up of 18 members, between the ages of 15-18, representing the 18 different municipalities of the MRC Pontiac.

The full interview with Warden Toller.

The 2020 Youth Council members:
Victoria Vickers – L’Isle-aux-Allumettes (était de l’ancienne cohorte également)
Miguel Rivet – Litchfield
Haillee Hamelin Dorƶek – Bristol
Madison Park Moorhead – Litchfield
Madison Pilon – Litchfield
Grace Sally – Clarendon
Jacob Chénier – Waltham
Cédrick Morrissette – Mansfield
Myriame Landry – Campbell’s Bay (était de l’ancienne cohorte également)
Alexandria Ladouceur – Mansfield et Fort-Coulonge
Pénéloppe Pomminville – Ile du Grand Calumet
Sébastien McComeau – Fort-Coulonge

The full interview in French with Karim El Kerch is available here.