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The MTQ once again refuses to reduce the speed on hwy 148 between Davidson and Waltham

The MTQ once again refuses to reduce the speed on hwy 148 between Davidson and Waltham

7 February 2020 à 12:00 am

The Waltham municipal council released the report Tuesday, which explains the decision the ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) in declining the municipality’s request to reduce the speed on highway 148. Remember, this was the second request made to allow the circulation of all-terrain vehicles (ATV) on Hwy 148 between Waltham (at the bridge at) and the Davidson sector of Mansfield-et-Pontefract (chemin Thomas-Lefebvre).

The Director General of Waltham, Fernand Roy.

The speed reduction over the 10.5 km between Waltham and Davidson was an alternative to using the PPJ cycle path (green route).

The MTQ’s 13-page analysis report describes the characteristics of the request made by the municipality in July 2019. In a history section presents a study carried out in October 2016 to treat a similar request. The MTQ said it evaluated the speed of the vehicles on the 148, the road environment and a report of accidents that occurred in the section of highway between 2014 and 2018.

Passage from report (created in octobre 2019) :

Risk of conflicts:
– Non-compliance by road users with speed limit at 70 km/h, because the environment is permissive.
– ATVs should travel for several kilometres on the ministry’s network.
– The percentage of heavy trucks is high.
– School bus stops present in this sector.

– The accident report is not problematic and the safety index is lower than the family severity index.
– The sector has the characteristics of a 90 km / h speed zone and the selective model offers a speed of 90 km / h.
– Several conditions of the directive are not respected.
– Several elements are not favourable for the circulation of ATVs on this portion of road.



Allowing ATV traffic on the shoulder of highway 148 would degrade road safety. The analysis is not favourable of a reduction of speed so the status quo for the speed of 90 km/h.

Verification summary for speed limit modification
Conditions 70 km/h
5-1. the speed reduction is not 40 km/h [vert]Respectée[/vert]
5-2. Safety/ a) the difference between the speed reduction and the average speed traveled does not exceed 25 km/h average speed 98 km/h
Difference of 28 km/h
[rouge] Not respected[/rouge]
5-2. Safety / b) Consistent speed limit between segments with homogeneous physical characteristics (difference less than 30 km / h) as well as not too frequent changes [vert]Respectée[/vert]
5-2. Safety / c) The speeds recommended in the curves will remain justified (Chapeau-Waltham road curve recommended at 75 km / h) [rouge]Non respectée[/rouge]
5-2. Safety / d) Advanced signage will remain warranted. (Bus stop sign is no longer warranted.) [rouge]Non respectée[/rouge]
5-2. Safety / e) If the speed is reduced to 50 km / h, there is urban development N/A
5-3. User mobility is not compromised if the reduction to 50 km / h < 1 km and 70-80km <2 km [rouge]Non respectée[/rouge]
(10,5 km)
5-4. Control operations are still possible [vert]Respectée[/vert]

The municipal Council is now waiting for the MRC Pontiac to make a decide on the use of the PPJ. Two options are currently on the table, according to Coucillor Gérard Pharand: the creation of a multi-use track, or the addition of a track reserved for ATVs in parallel to the PPJ.

The municipality of Waltham is however studying the possibility of reducing the speed on highway 148 in the inhabited area of the territory to ensure the safety of residents and passers-by and not for the permission of ATVs. More details about this project will be available soon.

The full interivew in French with Fernand Roy is available here.