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Municipality of Pontiac: End of the disposal of hazardous household waste

Municipality of Pontiac: End of the disposal of hazardous household waste

30 October 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:01 am

As of November 1st, the municipality of Pontiac’s hazardous waste disposal site, located behind Hôtel-de-Ville (2024 highway 148), will be dismantled.

The containers that were used for the deposit of hazardous products such as varnishes, paints, and used oils will be removed permanently. However, the municipality will continue to recover the batteries that were use for domestic purposes at the main entrance of Hôtel-de-Ville, but no other domestic or electronic residual materials will be accepted.

Here are some suggestions to dispose of residual materials responsibly:


The municipality of Pontiac is reminding is residents that it is forbidden to dispose of garbage on any public property (including, among others, the municipal garage of Quyon) under a minimum fine of $350 and a maximum fine of $1, 000.