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« Je soutiens mon Journal » : tonight in Gatineau

« Je soutiens mon Journal » : tonight in Gatineau

4 September 2019 à 12:00 am

Tonight, the evening « Je soutiens mon Journal » organized by the Outaouais’ Fédération professionnelle des journalistes du Québec (FPJQ) will be held to gather the public and various stakeholders as a way to demonstrate their support for the Journal Le Droit. The president of the FPJQ Outaouais section Julien Paquette gave more.

This event is to support the Journal Le Droit, owned by Groupe Capitales Médias, who is currently facing financial difficulties. The event will take place at the Bistro Bar Le Troquet in the Vieux-Hull (41 Laval Street) in Gatineau between 6 and 9pm.

The complete interview is available here.