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Jonathan Carreiro-Benoit Bloc Québécois candidate in Pontiac

Jonathan Carreiro-Benoit Bloc Québécois candidate in Pontiac

14 August 2019 à 12:00 am

The Bloc Québécois candidate in the Pontiac will be Jonathan Carreiro-Benoit for the next federal election. The announcement was made during the visit of Bloc leader, Yves-François Blanchet, last Friday in Gatineau.

In the last provincial elections, Jonathan Carreiro-Benoit was a candidate for the Parti Québécois in Gatineau, which counts a large part of the federal riding of Pontiac. Carreiro-Benoit then won 9% of the vote and finished 4th.

In 2015, the Bloc candidate for the Pontiac received just under 7% of the vote and finished 4th.