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Second edition of the Festival international du Cinéma des Femmes de Fort-Coulonge (FICFFoC)

Second edition of the Festival international du Cinéma des Femmes de Fort-Coulonge (FICFFoC)

14 August 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:58 am

The Festival international du Cinéma des Femmes de Fort-Coulonge (Fort-Coulonge International Women’s Film Festival), which wrapped up last Sunday, enabled the region to see several women directors in the Pontiac who, while attending the event, were also able to discover the Pontiac. This is particularly the case of the filmmaker Catherine Veaux-Logeat who presented her movie “Entre mer et mur”, which is about the history of her family, qualified as an autobiographical inquiry. She stressed the importance of holding such an event for women directors.

Same story for the Brazilian-born director, Gabriela De Andrade, who presented a film about the phenomenon of moving on July 1st in Quebec.

A full report on the passage of the two directors is available here.
