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The Sûreté du Québec publishes the road and recreational tourism record of construction vacations

The Sûreté du Québec publishes the road and recreational tourism record of construction vacations

9 August 2019 à 12:00 am

The Sûreté du Québec presented the road and recreational tourism records in the area over the construction holidays, in which many police operations took place during that time, from July 19th to August 4th. In total, there were 20,844 reports of violations of the Highway Safety Code where more than 13,000 of which were reports of speeding.

In addition, the increased presence of police officers in the field allow the Sureté to hold 1,043 roadside checks for alcohol, drugs or a combination of both. Of the 446 users who were screened, 302 were arrested for impaired driving. However, it was reported that there has been a 12% improvement in the number of injuries by collision; 577 collisions occurred this year compared to 656 at the same time last year.

Unfortunately, there were 15 fatal collisions in the region served by the Sûreté du Québec during this period. However, this is 3 fewer deaths than last year. Remember that speed, distracted driving and driving under the influence remain the three main causes of collisions.