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”More consultation on the ZIS” Will Amos

”More consultation on the ZIS” Will Amos

8 August 2019 à 12:00 am

The Federal MP for the Pontiac, Will Amos, recently said that he would like more consultation with the special Intervention Zone Map. In an interview yesterday with CHIP 101.9, Amos explained why there is a need for further consultation with the ZIS.

Recently, William Amos wrote a letter on July 12th, 2019, which he posted on his facebook page and sent to the minister responsible for the Outaouais, Mathieu Lacombe, in which he addresses the ZIS map and invites Minister Lacombe to a public consultation that would be held in the municipality L’Isle-aux-Allumettes. Once again, in the same interview with Amos, CHIP 101.9 was interested in the answer to that request.

The full interview in English with William Amos is available here.