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Warden Jane Toller insists on transparency

Warden Jane Toller insists on transparency

21 February 2019 à 12:00 am

During the meeting held yesterday at the MRC Pontiac, the Warden of the MRC Jane Toller was questioned by CHIP 101,9, in regards to the different reports broadcasted on CHIP pertaining to the Biomass Conversion Center(CVB) in the Pontiac. Jane Toller responded by emphasizing the importance of transparency to the public:

Also, during this meeting, Jane Toller made reference to the ”Swat team”, the Groupe Tactique d’Intervention (GTI) which aims towards establishing a privileged and quick link between the different ministries and the business projects. It seems that despite the change of government, this initiative should be continuing and the Warden hopes to see more of the members of the committee keep informed of the developments of the GTI:

More details on the upcoming Pontiac MRC meeting.