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Public Consultation on Forestry Activities in the Outaouais

Public Consultation on Forestry Activities in the Outaouais

19 February 2019 à 12:00 am

From February 18th to March 15th, the public is invited to participate in the Pontiac MRC’s public consultation on potential new areas of intervention, roads and other infrastructure that are set to be built on public land as part of the plan d’aménagement forestier intégré opérationnels (PAFIO) from 2018-2023 for the Coulonge, Basse-Lièvre and Haute-Gatineau-et-du-Cabonga management units. The purpose of this consultation is to gather the comments and concerns of the population and to build interest in PAFIO. More information is available on the MRC Pontiac website.