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Revival of the forestry industry in the Pontiac: revive 3 mill sites?

Revival of the forestry industry in the Pontiac: revive 3 mill sites?

4 February 2019 à 12:00 am

Following the meeting with the minister des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs for the CAQ provincial government, Pierre Dufour, Tuesday, in regards to the revival of the forestry industry in the Pontiac, the Warden of the MRC, Jane Toller, met with CHIP, where she answered a question in regards to the revival of the three main forestry mill in the Pontiac: Jovalco, Rapides-des-Joachins and Davidson:

The full interview concerning the meeting that Jane Toller had with minister Dufour on the revival of the Forestry industry in the Pontiac can be found here.