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Mad Dog Labine in theatres on April 5th

Mad Dog Labine in theatres on April 5th

30 January 2019 à 12:00 am

The feature film Mad Dog Labine which was shot here in the Pontiac in 2017 by two young writers and directors, Renaud Lessard and Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, will be presented in some theatres on April 5th. The film won the Quebec / Canada Focus Grand Prize at its premiere on October 9th, 2018 at the Festival du nouveau cinéma.

The docu-fiction directed by Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr and Renaud Lessard presents several young talents from the region, including the two main actresses, Ève-Marie Martin and Zoé Audet.

In an interview with CHIP 101.9, Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr unveiled the final synopsis of Mad Dog Labine.

The filmmakers are planning to feature the film in the Pontiac, but the date is yet to be determined. To learn more about the movie, you can visit Mad Dog Labine’s Facebook page.