Instructions to follow to avoid CO2 poisoning during power outages

Instructions to follow to avoid CO2 poisoning during power outages

18 April 2018 à 12:00 am

Since several households in the Outaouais were affected by power outages in recent days due to weather conditions, the CISSS de l’Outaouais wishes to remind everyone how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning during outages.

In the event of a power failure, never heat your home with gas appliances, such as stoves, space heaters, camping heaters or barbecues. In case of a prolonged outage in cold weather, check if your municipality has a planned accommodation site for residents. Generators should be installed outside the house or garage, as far away from doors and windows as possible.

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas and is invisible. Some mechanical appliances and vehicles burn fuel such as propane, wood, oil that create carbon monoxide. The first symptoms of poisoning are headaches, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

If you think you are suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, regardless of whether a carbon monoxide alarm has gone off or not, get outside your home and call 9-1-1 or the Quebec Poison Center at 1-800-463-5060. The CISSSO suggests waiting for a firefighter’s authorization to go back inside and leave the door open while leaving the premises to ventilate your dwelling.