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Warden of the Pontiac MRC take on the LiveWell Foods Canada project

Warden of the Pontiac MRC take on the LiveWell Foods Canada project

23 February 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:41 am

The Mayors of the Pontiac MRC attended a presentation by LiveWell Foods Canada on the establishment of a global innovation center for research and development of cannabis derivatives in the Pontiac Industrial Park in Litchfield. The Pontiac MRC Warden, Jane Toller, invited the presidents of LiveWell Foods Canada and LiveWell Foods Quebec to present the project to the mayors, who wanted to be reassured about the project’s realism.

jane_toller_pitfield_-_nouvelle-2.jpgThe Warden welcomed the presentation with cautious optimism.
“The presentation was very positive and although it is too early to quantify the economic impact of this new industry for the Pontiac, the enormous potential for creating many jobs in terms of both conventional to more specialized positions, makes this project, if it goes forward, extremely promising for the economic recovery of the Pontiac. It is my intention to follow the current negotiations carefully “.