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Summary of the MRC Pontiac Council – February 2018

Summary of the MRC Pontiac Council – February 2018

23 February 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:41 am

At the Pontiac MRC Council meeting, the mayors adopted the draft interim control by-law which aims to protect the Sault-des-Chats Park area and maintain the boundaries of the local Norway Bay Center in the Municipality of Bristol. This new regulation should allow greater flexibility for the development and improvement of private properties in this corner of the MRC.

In addition, the Board has decided to take advantage of the one-year extension option to the existing contract with Tom Orr Cartage Construction for the pick up, transportation and disposal of household waste in the territory of the municipalities of the MRC.

Also, the MRC will hire a firm specializing in industrial prospecting to fill a need for investor research to occupy the heavy and light industrial sites of the Pontiac. The MRC will call for tenders by invitation, and a committee will make the selection using a points system.
