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The Western Québec School Board created the Cone Taxi Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Western Québec School Board created the Cone Taxi Memorial Scholarship Fund

10 October 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 25 July 2023 à 9:07 am

At the Commissioners meeting on September 26, the Western Québec School Board established the Cone Taxi Memorial Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund was made possible by the late Clifford Lloyd Cone, who bequeathed $ 578,295.36 to the school board, explicitly for students at Pontiac High School in Shawville.

Each year, two scholarships equivalent to half of the annual interest generated by the fund will be awarded to the two graduates, one girl and one boy, enrolled in a Canadian university, college or CEGEP, who demonstrating the best academic results.

Clifford Lloyd Cone, owner and driver for Cone’s Taxi, in Shawville, passed away February 28, 2013, only six days before his 90th birthday.
