Soirée Halloween Party
Soirée Halloween Party
Soirée Halloween Party
Salle communautaire des Chevaliers de Colomb
Musique; Blast from the past
Prix; 1er-300$, 2e-200$, 3e-100$
Billets; 15$/personne
Info; Robert Soulard au 819-683-1619 ou Salon 4 pattes au 819-683-2157
Soirée Halloween Party
Knight of Columbus Community Hall
Music; Blast from the past
Prizes; 1st-300$, 2nd-200$, 3rd-100$
7 pm
Tickets; $15/person
Info; Robert Soulard at 819-683-1619 or Salon 4 pattes at 819-683-2157